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Our subscribers say:

I have to admit, that I am a huge fan of your work, never miss a day reading your analysis, even, when I am totally at odds with you.

Best example is FCX, when you first bought it, I was just about to go short FCX, instead , I bought 1000 shares just to tag along with you, with one Caveat, that I average down and hold it for long term. Between 10-11 $ I bought 2000 shares more, meanwhile I am kicking myself that, I did not go with my own analysis to short FCX in the first place!

In March when it got to 5 $, For money management purposes ( as you put it nicely!), could not add to the position. So just like you, I waited. When a couple of months ago, at about 13 $, I saw the first sign of topping , I sold the entire 3000 shares at breakeven , it went down a bit and reversed, but I did not jump back, and watched it, and you holding it and price doubled. Your analysis and trading are simple ( I like it) and efficient at the same time.

I have been doing technical analysis in trading Oil and Gold, since 1984, In the 80's I was doing 3 million bbs daily of Crude oil, gasoline and heating oil, and hundreds of contract in Nymex every day.

I retired in 1991, at the top of my game and have my personal account to trade since, and I, very rarely find anyone worth complimenting!

Keep on doing what you have been doing.

Best Regards J.S. ( Ph.D.)  

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